

Application deadline: June 19th st 2024 (23h59 – Paris time)

For further information on the admission process, courses at ENPC and life in Paris,
please consult the fact-sheet (Ecole des Ponts ParisTech_Fact sheet 2025-2026 for Japanese students) at the bottom of this webpage:

For this application form, you will need to upload:
- A passport photo
- A statement of purpose
- A CV using the Europass template
- An official stamped copy of your marks over the last 3 years
- The list of the courses you are currently enrolled in
- A copy of your passport or identity card where your name, first name, birthdate and photos clearly appear
- An official statement of your university with your GPA : the GPA covering the last 2 semesters and the GPA covering all the semesters since you entered your current degree cycle. If your university doesn’t issue such a document, please upload instead a certificate of your university stating that it does not issue GPA
- An official statement of your university with your ranking. If your university doesn’t issue such a document, please upload instead a certificate of your university stating that it does not issue rankings.
- A signed programme course of the ENPC academic department you are applying to (See our Fact sheet).
- An official certificate proving your level in English (only TOEIC, TOEFL, IELTS and Cambridge certificates are accepted), unless differently specified in the fact sheet). In case you don’t have any, we accept any document showing that you have learned or used English. However, you will absolutely have to send us an official certificate by June 6th 2025 at the latest
- An official certificate proving your level in French (only DELF, DALF, TCF and TEF certificates are accepted). In case you don’t have any, we accept any document showing that you have learned or used French.
In case you are a beginner in French, you commit yourself to carry out an intensive 5 month programme in France from April to August 2025.
The objective is that you can send us an official certificate with the required level before joining our campus on end-August 2025
By submitting this form, I agree that the information entered may be used for the purposes of the commercial relationship that may result from it and the institutionnal communication of the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, in accordance with our data confidentiality and privacy policy. Data collected will be held for 4 years.

We need your email address to send you an authentication code token, that will be useful for another connection, save it carefully. This code authenticates you to access your data. You can modify them, see if they are validated or see the modifications made by someone else. The authentication code is valid for 1 week but you can ask for a new one anytime.